Rural Practices

Soil Health and Sustainability

Ray’s Soil Health Lecture
Ray Archuleta, Conservation Agronomist, ENTSC

Soil Slaking and Infiltration Demonstrations
Ray Archuleta, Conservation Agronomist, ENTSC

Resident living in rural parts of the county have unique opportunities to protect soil and water, enhance the wildlife habitat in their area and reduce their energy costs.  These programs have specific guidelines but are available to landowners with a few acres or a thousand or more acres.  Conservation practices include windbreaks, prairie plantings, wetland restoration and wetland buffers.  Landowners who choose to establish a conservation practice on their property greatly increase benefit wildlife, such as pheasants, ducks, and other wildlife passing through their property or establishing nests on their property.  A variety of guides are listed below:

Riparian Forest Buffer Food Plot Job Sheet
Conservation Assistance Programs Conservation Crop Rotations
Wetlands Residue and Tillage Management
Native Prairie – Establishment & Management

Cover Crops

Field Borders

Grassed Waterway