Clean Water Summit

Clean Water Summit Presentations and Summary


The links below will lead you to the agenda, a written summary (proceedings) of the presentations that were held and the actual presentations that were given on the 21st and the 22nd of August.  If you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact us.

Clean Water Summit agenda

Clean Water Summit Summary










Invasive Species Prevention

CWA 2012 Position Paper

Clean Water Alliance Members and Interested Citizens:

The Clean Water Alliance has fought to protect the water quality of the Lakes in Dickinson County Since 1990. During those years, we have been very successful at reducing the amount of pollutants and stressors to our Lakes. Because of our efforts, people are visiting our lakes more than ever before. There is no doubt our efforts have resulted in continued prosperity and quality of life to our region. It has always been the stance of the Clean Water Alliance to support its member organizations and promote water quality efforts through those groups.

Recently a representative group of Clean Water Alliance Members met to form a position paper in favor of preventing Invasive Species from reaching our lakes. Attached you will find the Clean Water Alliance Position Paper in regards to prevention of Invasive Species. This position paper is very important in that it will convey the message to the State of Iowa that this is an important issue to us. As you all know Invasive Species, and specifically aquatic invasive species is one boat away from gaining a foothold in our lakes. The cost to our recreation, drinking water, health, native species, and economy is impossible to calculate if one of these invasive species gains a hold in our lakes. Invasive Species are more than a local issue, however. Invasive Species is a state-wide and even a regional issue that we need help with.