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Dickinson SWCD
Silver Lake Watershed Management Plan
To view the Silver Lake Watershed Management Plan Click this Link: Silver_Lake-Dickinson 2015 WMP
2018 Iowa Great Lakes Watershed Management Plan
To open the Iowa Great Lakes Watershed Management Plan Please Click here!
Iowa Water and Land Legacy Presentation
The Iowa Water and Land Legacy meeting last week Wednesday was a tremendous success. If you were not able to make it to the meeting, you will find the presentation that was given and a fact sheet below. Feel free to contact me at john.wills@ia.nacdnet.net if you have questions or thoughts.
CWA IWILL Presentation 10-22-14
Clean Water Summit
Clean Water Summit Presentations and Summary
The links below will lead you to the agenda, a written summary (proceedings) of the presentations that were held and the actual presentations that were given on the 21st and the 22nd of August. If you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact us.
Healthy Soil
A Healthy Soil is our most important issue when dealing with sustainable agriculture and clean water.
Click on this link to see a very short video called Unlock the Secrets in the Soil
How are water quality and agriculture tied together?
This fantastic new documentary explores how water quality and agriculture are connected… in Iowa and downstream. The filmmaker is Erica Blair, a University of Iowa BFA student who just graduated. It features interviews with Rick Cruse at the Iowa Water Center at Iowa State University and Jerry Peckumn who is on our board and is president of Iowa Rivers Revival, as well as Matt Rota, one of our friends at the Gulf Restoration Network: United for a healthy Gulf of Mexico.