Iowa Water and Land Legacy Presentation

The Iowa Water and Land Legacy meeting last week Wednesday was a tremendous success.  If you were not able to make it to the meeting, you will find the presentation that was given and a fact sheet below.  Feel free to contact me at if you have questions or thoughts.


CWA IWILL Presentation 10-22-14


IWILL Fact Sheet (revised 10 22 14)1

Soil Health Videos

The following link will bring you to all these videos that will be posted.  It is important to understand that the health of our soil has been overlooked for years and that effect is just now being realized.  These videos will give you an understanding of why soil health is so important for your farm but also why it is important for clean water, crop production, and sustainable production.


Infiltration Test: 

Infiltration Test – One Minute from SC-NRCS & ESRI-SC Partnership on Vimeo.


Soil Smell:

Soil Smell from SC-NRCS & ESRI-SC Partnership on Vimeo.

Discover the Cover:

Discover the Cover from SC-NRCS & ESRI-SC Partnership on Vimeo.

Infiltration Test:

Infiltration Test – One Minute from SC-NRCS & ESRI-SC Partnership on Vimeo.

Soil Engine:

Soil Engine from SC-NRCS & ESRI-SC Partnership on Vimeo.

Slake Test:

Slake Test – One Minute from SC-NRCS & ESRI-SC Partnership on Vimeo.

IOWATER Watershed Sampling for Dickinson County

Below see the the IOWATER Watershed Sampling Report for Dickinson County for the years 2003 to 2008.  The samples come from volunteers who monitor select sites on our Dickinson County water bodies.  These monitoring sites were selected to provide the best data that tells us the overall quality of our water.  The volunteers are dedicated and a great deal of thanks goes out to all who have helped in this endeavor. 
